At LIRC, we have a great group of seniors (62 AND older) come as individuals and play doubles regularly EVERY week of the year on Monday thru Friday (including all holidays except for Christmas and Thanksgiving) 7:00 to 9:00 AM. There are no reservations needed, just come and enjoy this lively bunch of “seasoned” players. Senior Membership is $96 plus tax for Labor Day to Labor Day
Another group of seniors who are a little more competitive meet on Saturday mornings, 7:30 to 9:00 AM. Call LIRC Desk 502-426-2454 if you are interested.
There are also Three 4-month passes for these groups available to purchase. Cost for a 4 month pass is $260 plus tax for members.
January-April, May-August, September-December
The River City Racquet League (RCRL) has three Masters Divisions for ladies. Players are required to be 50 years or older. If you will be 50 during the current RCRL year, (July 1 – June 30) you are eligible.
LIRC has 3 Masters I teams (3.5 & above) which play matches on Wednesdays afternoons and 1 Masters II (3.0-3.5) team with matches played on Tuesday afternoons.
If you are interested or for additional information, please call at 426-2454.