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USTA & River City Teams






USTA Teams are always forming or looking for new players for the upcoming seasons. 

Interested?  Call us at (502) 426-2454 or email to lircannegrove@gmail.com -- we will find you a place on a team at your level.


River City Teams are available for women of all levels and ages.  Matches are played daytime during the week.  

LIRC also offers daytime child care during River City Matches Monday thru Friday by appointment!

If you would like more info on child care please call (502) 426-2454.




You can still be rated for the RCRL season. 

Just call front desk 502-426-2454 to book a half hour lesson.


River City Masters Teams (50 and over) are also available and play weekdays.


For more information visit River City Website:  www.rcrl.org


Come out and join the fun!

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